TR-55: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds
Author: USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS)
NowNatural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS National Water and Climate Center Home. I have a trojan (TR /Crypt.XPACK.Gen) virus on my laptop computer, it is located in my C:WindowsTemp folder and my Avira Anti-Virus program sees it and can delete it, but the virus keeps re-creating itself under a different file name back into the C:WindowsTemp folder.I am using a DV6000 HP Laptop and the operating system is Windows Vista Home Premium. WinTR-20, Version 3.20, (for Windows 10 and earlier operating systems) WinTR-20 Support Materials WinTR-20 Readme file Latest version of the WinTR-20 User Documentation (under development) Latest version of the WinTR-20 User Guide (under development for version 3.20) References on Time of Concentration with Respect to Sheet Flow. WinTR-20, Version 3.20, (for Windows 10 and earlier operating systems) WinTR-20 Support Materials WinTR-20 Readme file Latest version of the WinTR-20 User Documentation (under development) Latest version of the WinTR-20 User Guide (under development for version 3.20) References on Time of Concentration with Respect to Sheet Flow. Note: Outlook for Mac can only import Unicode-based.pst files, which are the standard format for Personal Folders files for Outlook (for Windows) 2003 and later versions.ANSI-formatted.pst files, also known as Outlook 97-2002 Personal Folders Files, were the standard personal folder format for saving data in Outlook for Windows in versions 97-2002.
'Technical Release 55 (TR-55) presents simplified procedures to calculate stormrunoff volume, peak rate of discharge, hydrographs, and storage volumes required forfloodwater reservoirs. These procedures are applicable to small watersheds,especially urbanizing watersheds, in the United States.'
1) TR-55 is perhaps the most widely used approach to hydrology in the US. Originally released in 1975, TR-55 provides a number of techniques that are useful formodeling small watersheds. Since the initial publication predated the widespread useof computers, TR-55 was designed primarily as a set of manual worksheets. A TR-55computer program is now available, based closely on the manual calculations of TR-55.
2) TR-55 utilizes the SCS runoff equation to predict the peak rate of runoff as well asthe total volume. TR-55 also provides a simplified 'tabular method' forthe generation of complete runoff hydrographs. The tabular method is a simplifiedtechnique based on calculations performed with TR-20. TR-55 specifically recommendsthe use of more precise tools, such as TR-20, if the assumptions of TR-55 are not met.
While the TR-55 manual remains a most useful reference (it contains completecurve number tables and rainfall maps, among other things) most engineers have sought outmore advanced or more accurate hydrology software.
How to get it:
Win Tr 55 For Mac Os
You can download the TR-55 Manual here. (2MB PDF format) The complete software and documentation is available from theNRCS TR-55 web page. Also see theNRCS Win-TR-55 web page.
For additional background information on the TR-55 calculations please seeUnderstanding Hydrology or the 'Hydrology' section of the training materials.
How it compares to HydroCAD:
HydroCAD is widely used for projects that might otherwise have been performed with TR-55. HydroCAD directly implements some of the key features of TR-55, such as curve-number lookup and procedures for calculating time-of-concentration, in a more user-friendly graphical format. Other aspects of HydroCAD employ more advanced techniques, such the SCS Unit Hydrograph runoff procedure, in place of the TR-55 tabular method. HydroCAD also adds other capabilities that have no equivalent in TR-55, such as outlet hydraulics, exfiltration calculations, and a range of other features. See the feature comparison table for details.
Win Tr 55 For Mac Pro
For most applications, HydroCAD is a preferred alternative to TR-55, and is widely accepted by reviewing agencies. Results from the two programs will usually be similar, although the basic limitations of TR-55 (as cited above) will result in some expected differences. For a comparison of the basic Tc and runoff calculations, see subcatchment 1S in the 'Mountain View' sample project installed with HydroCAD.
I gave this program a thumbs up because I really wanted to like it. If I was inclined to be consternated by frequent program crashes I would have not been so generous. It never brought down the computer or any other program and so c'est la vie.
Downloaded, installed, and registered with no problem. The first photo I put into the program was a family picture circa 1950. After chugging for a bit the photo was returned in color. Obviously colorized, but easily adjusted with the controls to the right of the main window. The result is like a 1950 Kodacolor print. So far so good.
Then I chose a circa 1898 photograph of my grandfather standing in front of his town band. They were all posed on a residential street. Things didn’t go so well. The first time through only the top quarter of the photo was returned. Sky and foliage, nice, but I wanted to see granddad and see what color the uniforms might be. So I tried again. This time more of the photo came back followed by an immediate program crash. Actually better than a crash – it just disappeared. I’m persistent. I tried a third time and it crashed right off. Figuring that the 5Mb+ was too big I downsized the photo to under 1Mb. This time it went through the process and rendered a complete photo. Huh? Black and white uniforms? Yeah, that could be and they looked Victorian nice. On the other hand, the town flag was rendered gray which I doubt. I started tinkering with the controls to the right and, you guessed it, crash! One more try and I was this time able to do some adjustments and now have a respectable colorized photograph of Granddad and his band.
One final picture. This was a circa 1952 family photograph. This time 6yo me was wearing a favorite plaid shirt that I remember to this day. The photo rendered and the shirt coloring was in the ballpark. I did some more tinkering and had a good Kodacolor.
I recommend this program to those who don’t mind rolling up their sleeves. Those of you who want everything cut and diced – perhaps this isn’t for you.
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