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  2. Getting Started with BD FACSDiva Software; FACSDiVa Video Tutorial; FACSiVa Reference Manual; Vendor WebSite; Imaging Software: IDEAS. Is the software package used to analyze ImageStream data. Since efficient ImageStream data analysis demands ample computer storage space, powerful processing speed, and fast network connections, dedicated 64 bit.

Skip trial 1 month free. Find out why Close. How to install BD FACSDiva 8.0.1 for offline use bgr8011. Download Sentinel Protection Installer v7.6.4 Driver for Windows 7 64-bit d. Open BD FACSDiva software and use for analysis as normal If you have any questions feel free to contact me. David Rose, PhD. FACSDiVa Software. The software uses a database server software to manage the flow cytometry data. All data, plots, gates, instrument settings, and statistics are saved inside the database. The user cannot specify any path for saving, everything is done automatically in the background.

to set up the software for your use. This guide shows a workflow that uses application settings. BD FACSDiva Software Quick Reference Guide for the BD LSR II. Compensation Controls in the BD FACSDiva Software Reference Manual. • Default templates are now provided for certain instrument functions. If you are the first user of the day: Boot up the computer and log on to Windows. Wait 10 seconds, then Open the BD FACSDiva software and log on. Allow the.

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Figure 4 Adjusting for PE spectral overlap 7 Proceed with adjustments for the next tube. This section describes how to create publication-ready plots and export or copy them. For Audit System In either case, the setup catalog appears where you select a setup to apply: For example, if you were performing an immunophenotyping experiment and wanted to collect data only for the lymphocytes, you could direct the software vd collect 10, T-cell events for the stopping gate and record only events in the Lymphocyte storage gate.

Each sale of a stored unit of this software grants the purchaser a nontransferable, sortware, personal license. Two types of worksheets can be shown in the Worksheet window: The gate boundary is resized proportionally according to the original shape. A setup contains parameter and label information, threshold and PMT voltages for each parameter, and calculated spectral overlap values in the form of an MFI table.

For information about cytometer-specific components, refer to your cytometer manual. For a full description of workspace components, see Chapter 2. Folders are listed before experiments in the order they are created.

This chapter contains information about instrument softaare acquisition controls that are common to all instruments.

This software is the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any reffrence or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including.



See Adding or Modifying a Password on page Those without administrative access can only view their own experiments and any experiments that have been designated as shared. Tools manuwl Data Analysis Referencee the Worksheet Inspector Use the Worksheet Inspector to name a worksheet or global worksheet, increase the number of pages in the worksheet, and hide or show page breaks and page numbers.

The P5 gate label is marked with two vertical bars, indicating that it is the population for which scaling is in effect.

Keywords can also be saved with tube data. Each panel will be imported as a single specimen. The Browser lists only experiments with that name, along with faczdiva currently open experiment. See Acquisition Dashboard on page By default, the D: It takes approximately 5 minutes to fully boot up the cytometer electronics.


The icon turns green and the tube becomes the Active Tube in the Acquisition Dashboard.

BD FACSDiva Software Reference Manual |

Experiment- and specimen-level keywords are also saved with tubes. To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors.

The plot s scales adjust to fit the P5 population: Empty the waste or replace fluid containers, if needed. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written. When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, drag the border. Enter a name, and click OK to dismiss the dialog box.

Bd Facsdiva Software Free Free Software

Getting Started with BD FACSDiva Software

Bd Diva Software

Getting Started with Refernce 6 Version 6. These fields cannot be changed. Experiments can be private or shared, and can be exported with data for archival purposes or exported without data for use as a template. If you commonly use one PMT detector to measure multiple parameters, you can list all possible parameters in the Instrument Configuration dialog box and choose the appropriate fluorochrome for your experiment in the Parameters tab.

Select the Edit Diva Setups checkbox to allow a user access to modify the setups saved in the Setup Catalog. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policyincluding cookie policy. Ratios can be used for sorting just like any other parameter.

Select a tube, select the button, and then click in the worksheet to create a plot of a default size. Data from adjacent bins are added to condense higher resolution data more bins into the chosen number of bins.

BD FACSCanto II Quick Reference Manual

About This Guide 7. Click the New Specimen icon. The bold text at the top of the dialog tells you what to do at each screen. When performing a batch analysis with biexponential scales, start by setting the current tube pointer to the tube with the negative range that best meets your laboratory s criteria.

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to set up the software for your use. This guide shows a workflow that uses application settings. BD FACSDiva Software Quick Reference Guide for the BD LSR II. Compensation Controls in the BD FACSDiva Software Reference Manual. • Default templates are now provided for certain instrument functions. If you are the first user of the day: Boot up the computer and log on to Windows. Wait 10 seconds, then Open the BD FACSDiva software and log on. Allow the.

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Product name, part number, and serial number; software version and computer system specifications Error messages, if any Details of recent cytometer performance BD Biosciences might also request the console. To move objects between worksheets, use the copy and paste functions; objects cannot be dragged.

For example, the Inspector can be used to change plot attributes like the background color, title, axes labels, and scale, or to enter the name of an experiment, specimen, or tube. The starting value the lowest level is half the value entered. When recording is complete and acquisition is stopped, statistics are calculated on the faczdiva number of recorded events. Whether viewed on one monitor or two, workspace windows can be resized and repositioned for the most efficient operator workflow.

Complying with all applicable copyright laws is More information.

Copy and paste wells to blank positions in the Plate window. See Adding New Elements to the Browser on page Additional preferences might be available for your fxcsdiva type; refer to your instrument manual for a description.

A maximum of 50 global worksheets can be set up for each experiment, and each global worksheet can contain up to 10 pages. After you move or resize a snap-to gate, the gate no longer adjusts automatically. The plot expands to twice its size. This material briefly explains how information is stored in Windows More information.

NOTE If a workstation does not have a D drive, then the default locations for output files will be created on the C drive. To start the software: If you set the default background to black, select the checkbox mxnual print plots with a white background; white gates and populations are then automatically printed in black. Comments can be viewed when you are importing a panel template. Video display images copyright More information.

Instrument Name During software installation, each instrument is assigned a name and serial number. This section describes how to subset populations using the population hierarchy. Only one object can be copied and pasted at a time.


If a worksheet with the name of siftware specimen and tube already exists, the copied elements are pasted into the existing worksheet. As you change fluorochromes, filters, or mirrors, you can softsare between mahual configurations that match your instrument optics.

Locate and read topics specific to the operation you are performing. For example, experiment templates can be assigned to the New Experiment button, panel templates can be assigned to the New Specimen button, and analysis templates can be assigned to the New Tube or New Global Worksheet button. This section describes how to export experiments and delete them after export; deleting experiments is described on page Select this checkbox to always update the cytometer settings to the latest performance check.

Close the region by double-clicking or by clicking on the first vertex. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored. The image is stored in memory until it is pasted into another application.

Start display at page:. All tubes must be recorded with consistent PMT voltages.

BD FACSCanto II Quick Reference Manual

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Statistics are displayed in statistics views and the values are updated in accordance with the Events to Display setting. Edit this number by selecting one or more fields and then entering a new number.

To move a window, drag the title bar to a new position on the screen. Cytometer settings can be applied at the experiment, specimen, or tube level. The computer is left on at all times. Otherwise, generic value is applied. Provides an interface for setting up experiments. Laser Controls Lasers are instrument-specific, thus laser controls for your instrument might be different from those shown in this section. The chosen worksheet is displayed automatically when you select a tube below this specimen.

The following tutorials describe how to add an administrator password and create a new user, and show how workspace setup, user preferences, and the Browser view differ from one user to another. A summary of menus is provided in Shortcut Menus on page Using Gating Features Acquisition Setup Use Acquisition Setup fields to control the number of events to record and display.

BD Biosciences welcomes customer input on corrections and suggestions for improvement. Global worksheets are displayed in this folder in the order they were created.

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BD FACSDiva Software Reference Manual

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Interval Gate button—allows a range of events to be selected on a dot, contour, or histogram plot. If needed, start your cytometer and log into the software before proceeding.

Click the intersection of the quadrant markers.

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