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- Adobe After Effects.
- Besides, Adobe Illustrator CS6 for Mac boasts such features as professional strokes, an improved contour definition system, a brush bristles effect, and a simplified procedure for creating shapes. Multiple-file place.
When you decide to buy Adobe Illustrator (or just download the free trial version), the first thing you need to know is can you computer run it? Figuring out the software system requirements is vital, ensuring you don’t waste your time fiddling around with settings after you’ve installed it.
Without further ado, here are the Windows PC and Mac specs.
Adobe Illustrator Windows PC & Mac Specs
Minimum requirements:
- OS: Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 10 (64-bit only)
- CPU: Intel Core 2-Duo / AMD Athlon
- Memory: 8 GB of RAM
- GPU: 1 GB of VRAM
- Free storage: 2 Gb
- Monitor resolution: 1024 x 768
- An internet connection for activation the software
Recommended requirements:
- OS: Windows 10 (64-bit only)
- CPU: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
- Memory: 16 GB of RAM
- GPU: 4 GB of VRAM
- Free storage: 2 Gb of SSD
- Monitor resolution: 1920 x 1080
- An internet connection for activation the software
Minimum requirements:
- OS: macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)
- CPU: Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
- Memory: 8 GB of RAM
- GPU: 1 GB of VRAM
- Free storage: 2 GB
- Monitor resolution: 1024 x 768
- An internet connection for activation and access the online services
Free Adobe Illustrator Alternative Mac
Recommended requirements:
- OS: macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
- CPU: Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
- Memory: 16 GB of RAM
- GPU: 4 GB of VRAM
- Free storage: 2 GB SSD
- Monitor resolution: 1920 x 1080
- An internet connection for activation and access the online services